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The ‘Crow’ chair becomes the catalyst for the film’s core theme of urban isolation, weaving several cinematic elements and symbolic references to the crow, narrated in the lyrical sounds of the Urdu language.

Conceptualized in three stages and set within a bleak yet poetic urban environment, the film follows a young man (played by Mujahid Habib, India’s national pioneering parkour and freerunning champion) as he ventures around the city, experiencing emotions of isolation, spiralling into the mental psyche directed by his surroundings. The film’s poetic, melancholic tone is driven by the soundtrack of a woman reciting an inner monologue in Urdu, written by Farzin, referencing personal memories and experiences of living in a new city.

‘Due to the nature of my design thought process, film was proving to be an ideal medium for telling this story. Not to mention the fact that the very nature of product creation is lengthy- aligning myself with a medium that is also consumed at a slower pace was the right fit” - Farzin says.

In parallel with the urban narrative, several references to the crow are eluded to, from

the personification of a bird in the monologue,to the monochromatic treatment of

the film, and the poetic movement of the protagonist through the garments.

The film was conceived and planned over several weeks in New Delhi, with a small

team working closely together to create a story that hopes to not only resonate

with its audience, but foster cross creative collaborations within creative industries.

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